Tuesday, June 26, 2012

iPad Alternatives

 Check out these awesome Android Tablets!!  

iPads are running around 600$, and if you are anything like me, you love Android so why not buy a tablet that is cheaper, better, faster and most importantly, Android :)

Out of this list, If your'e looking for the best of the best, any Asus tablet is a solid comparison to an apple product. They're are 3 Asus tablet, the first ad below me is the link for my favorite of the 3.

Android Rules ;)

Update - Improve battery life of Droid Razr

Previously I had written about a few methods that could be used to extend the battery of your Droid Razr, but if your'e anything like me, you probably bought your Razr before the Razr Maxx came out, and also like me, you were probably mad when you found out they would be releasing the same exact phone (hardwar wise) just with a bigger battery. Well I have good news for you, you can now purchase a conversion kit to change your Droid Razr to a Droid Razr Maxx. The nice thing about this kit is that all of the parts are 100% real Motorola parts, and from what i've read and watched on youtube, not very hard too change, however if you are afraid of ruining your phone, you can actually ship your phone to the company, and they will do it for you. Below you will find a link to go directly to the website. Feel free to donate to the Broke College Kid Fund at the bottom of my page as well :) Thanks for reading! Any questions please comment and I will respond as soon as possible

                                 Droid Razr to Droid Razr Maxx Battery Conversion Kit :)